Saturday, April 5, 2014

Dreams, Dream, Dreeeeeam

We all dream. Sometimes we remember, sometimes we don't.

Remember this, though: we dream more than once. Here's a quote from Richard Wiseman, author of Night School: Wake Up To The Power Of Sleep:

"This sleep cycle takes about 90 minutes, resulting in an average of five dreams per night,’ says Wiseman. ‘Each dream is longer than the last, with the first lasting just a few minutes and the last before waking usually about 40 minutes long."

This is something that may be oblivious to many, and it used to be to myself.

But then my dream recall improved, and I started to remember. I've recalled having three to four dreams many nights for the past four months.

I can't explain how, unless it has something to do with my spiritual awakening (which I've read can do that people). However, I wouldn't limit it to just that.

The moral is even if you remember one dream through a night, be aware that more went on in your subconscious than you think.

Click here to read more.

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